Handcrafted Without Compromise

Our reputation is built one customer and one truck body at a time. There is absolutely no comparison in quality. When we say we build the best truck bodies, it is more than a slogan. It is our promise to you. We asked a few customers to talk about Parkhurst products just to bring the point home.

Many truck manufacturers employ a cookie-cutter approach to building their bodies. Parkhurst bodies are much tougher and much nicer.

– Michael Posack

A lot of our customers work in ag and construction and they beat the daylights out of Parkhurst products.

– Mike Kirwan

Their Structureline body is built like a tank.

– Dan Roland

When you compare iron-to-iron, the competition doesn’t hold up.

– Mike Kirwan

Why Choose Parkhurst?

5 Stars
Contact us
Phone: (660) 826-8685
Email: info@parkhurstmfg.com
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Mon – Fri)

18999 State Hwy Y
Sedalia, MO 65301

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